I'm not a huge believer in things like bad luck on Friday the 13th. In fact, I never give it a second thought. This year just may have changed my mind though!
My day started out pretty good, went to work, had a good day. No biggie. I was super pumped because I was headed out after work to go shoot the Download show in Norfolk. The original plan was that I would go home, pick Jordan up and head out by 7. On the way, i'd swing by Williamsburg to drop Jordan off with his Daddy and then i'd head on to meet up with Crystal for the weekend.
I pulled out of work and as I made a turn, something in my car kind of popped. Almost sounded like my transmission slipped. Fabulous. I decided the best course of action would be to completely ignore it. Nothing like being proactive!
I got home fine, and went in to pack and grab my kid. Got my things together and headed out. The car was running a little loud, but I thought it was just my imagination. I pulled into the gas station near my house to fill up and decided to check the oil, just to be sure yanno.
I pulled the little stick thingy (yeah, i'm technical) out and uh, no oil. Great. I had two partial bottles of oil in the trunk, so I dumped them in and called my stepdad. My hero. He said "That's not very smart. Put oil in your car." Thanks man.
I drove over to the Dollar General to get more oil and put it in my car. I waited a few minutes and there was oil ALL over the parking lot. I wasn't sure if it was leaking or if I was a slob who spilled it all over. I called stepdad back and he said to go home. Crap.
I got home and called the ex-husband to let him know that I wouldn't be making it tonight and to see if he could come get Jordan. He said ok, and we decided that he would pick me up too and once we got to Williamsburg I could call Crystal to come and pick me up. Sweet!
We went back in the house and waited for him for 4 hours before he called and said "You aren't going to believe this, I had a blowout and I dont have a jack big enough for the truck- i have to call and get towed, I'm not going to make it up."
Crap crap crap!
I called my road warrior sweetheart Crystal and she decided that she was coming to get me, so I went to bed for a bit and then got up 2 hours later to head to Va beach. We ended up rolling into town at 6:40 am, about 9 hours behind schedule, but hey, we got there!
Stepdad says theres no engine damage to my car, but i've got a crack in one of the pipes and a massive exhaust leak, so hopefully that'll be fixed tomorrow and I won't be completely broke in the process. It could definitely be worse, but I apparently had some bad juju coming my way this Friday the 13th!
Next time around, i'm staying in the house...possibly wearing a helmet. yanno, just in case!