Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I don't like skinny girls....what are you doing tonight?

I had a rather amusing experience on Saturday while I was at the beach. Some dude came over to the house to buy a ticket for the evenings show and started talking smack about his 'mad photography skills' and how he'd show me his work. Ok bro- do your thang!

So he trotted his happy in the house and pulled up his myspace page. He goes to concerts and takes pictures. Yahoo. Nothing impressive. I smiled and complimented and did all the things my sweet southern Nanny would have wanted me to do. I'm a polite bitch after all.

After impressing me with his mad skills, he proceeded to tell me how he's the 'nice guy who always finishes last' and how he sends flowers but always gets dumped on. (which usually means he's a dickhead, and then sends flowers and the girls tell him to piss off, but hey, perception). He goes on and on about the kind of girl he wants. By the end, i got the intense feeling i was supposed to be jumping up and down and saying "oh, mr nice guy, I can *totally* be that girl, pick me! pick me! "

Yeah, that didn't happen.

I headed into the bathroom to straighten my hair, (yanno, a subtle hint to go away--that didn't work) and he followed me in there and kept talking.

Finally he busts out with "You know, i'm really not into cheerleader types or skinny girls. I want a girl I can put my arms around and hold onto........what are you doing after the show tonight?"

SCREEEEECCHHHH..back that train up McWhitey.

Are you serious? Did I hear him right?

Because in this chubby girls mind, I heard "Hey, you're fat and not that cute, so you might give me a chance."

Does that work? Seriously?

It's now my goal in life to find one single man in the world who has *ever* successfully picked up a chick by saying

"Hey chubs, you can't do any better...wanna wrassle? "

you happen to know any?


Elaine VanDRiver said...

Guys are idiots sometimes, aren't they. Sounds like this was one "special" dude. LOL. Very descriptive post, tho! Rock on.

~dawn~ said...

I don't know many men that are that outright about it, but I do know several who have pointed out they have better odds when they choose a gazelle from the middle/back of the pack instead of trying to bag the hottest chick in the group. Because it's all big game hunting like in Africa :o

Lexi said...

Steph, I've always admired your photography skills, now I'm cracking up at your writing skills! Girl, you've got some talent. Seriously.

Creative Junkie said...

you made me laugh - and I'm embarrassed to admit that I think I dated that guy and several other versions of him in my prior life.